A better me...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

... this is what she looks like:

wakes up at 6
personal devotion and prayer
work full day
study full evening
doesn't need tv
doesn't need to sleep until at least 11

Can anyone do that?? I certainly can't. I hit the limit of my own strength today. This is how far I can go. Too bad that I still have a giant paper to write, an online course I haven't touched in a month, sink full of dishes, suitcases left to unpack, you get the idea.

Does the person above exist? I kind of feel like moms have some of those super human abilities. But really, I can't even make my own schedule work in my own strength. So rather than trying to catch up to Jesus who feels like a million miles ahead of me, I'm going to try just to walk with him for the day. Maybe I'll get a bit further. Maybe I will feel fulfilled rather than exhausted. Rejoice rather than wallow. And maybe even catch 30 minutes of Biggest Loser.

Be encouraged.
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me-- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly. Matt 11:28- Message

Overwhelmed... unbiblical?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Some of you may know that life's been crazy here. So crazy, in fact, that one of my friends brought us dinner tonight because our fridge is down to nothing. We had our last can of black beans for lunch today and ate Dominoes for 2 days... seriously. And there's no grocery shopping time to be had. (Don't worry, Mom-- I'll go this weekend.)

I did have a moment to read through today's entry in My Utmost for His Highest that I highly (ha) recommend. It convicted me to the degree that I've taken a break from writing a paper to write about this to you and to myself.

Here's the entry- out of context- that caught my attention:
"Begin with the circumstances we are in-- our homes, our business, our country, the present crisis as it touches us and others-- are these things crushing us? Are they badgering us out of the presence of God and leaving us no time for worship?"...

Um... yes? Unfortunately, yes. Monday, I was blessed by a time with college students that I didn't want to have-- I wanted to be in the library-- but God really met me in worship there. And he changed my attitude from being one that lashed out at even my husband and centered me again on the reason for being here at seminary. But I'm back in this rut just a few days later, and I feel justified in my lack of attention to worship! Come on-- my fridge is empty because I don't have time to fill it. I'm justified, right?! Back to Oswald...
..."We run ahead of Him in a thousand and one activities, consequently we get so burdened with persons and with difficulties that we do not worship God, we do not intercede. If once the burden and the pressure come upon us and we are not in the worshipping attitude, it will produce not only hardness toward God but despair in our own souls."

Whew. No wonder I was crying last night over my Interpreting the New Testament paper. Come on, Megs. And I encourage you, too, to come with me back into a posture of worship that we might be able to surrender to God our burdens and pressures. I hope this song helps lead you into God's presence now.

School Blog

I know I haven't been posting, but it's primarily because my blogging energy goes into the posts I've been doing for the school's blog. If you're interested in my school-related musings, you should check it out!