Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm currently waiting for my parents to fly into Boston!! YAY! But while I wait, I am thinking about what a truly surprising and awesome family God has gifted me with here in Boston. Sunday many of them came out to celebrate my birthday. I feel like this is going to be a great year! And I'm all the more confident when I look at these pictures and see who I'm surrounded by. I miss our friends and family in Tennessee-- don't get me wrong! But God has definitely provided me with family for this season as well. I hope you enjoy seeing a few of their pictures!


Nate Walter said...

Hey! Why did I NOT know you were blogging again? I know someone had hijacked your old blog, but I didn't know you had a new one until now, when I actually checked Buzz (I usually never check it). So I'm glad to find it! Have a fun time with your parents! - Faith